Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to delete/select absolutely all mail/message in a GMAIL label.

Few months ago I have subscribed at site as it is a great place for DOTNET troubleshooting. Every day more than 100 mails are storing in my mail box. Varieties types of questions, suggestions etc are posting at that site. Great....

Last day I was swiping my Gmail. There was many spam, many junked mail. Suddenly I have noticed that in the "ASP.NET Forum" label I have got almost 90,000 mail message and I allocate 1GB of 10GB storage of GMAIL!!!

 I started deleting and after some minutes I realized that it is very time consuming job to delete 90,000 mails. When I select all mails then it only selects 100 mails of current page. After delete 100 mails then select again 100 mails and delete......

At last I have find a solution.

Step 1: First Select all mail of current page.
Step 2: Then select Select all XXX conversations in "LABEL" from the middle-top of mail list. 
Step 3: Then press delete. 

That's all....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My CHM file does not display its content!!!

After opening a CHM formatted file sometimes we see this message "This Program cannot display the webpage" instead of the content. 

The program cannot display the webpage

This problem is so common. and the solution is also simple.

Just remove the # or & or ? or +  character from the chm file name and/or folder and/or directory name. Because these characters have special meaning.


if my chm file name is "c# book" then replace # character with other or remove # character.
again, if my chm file is in "F:/ASP and C#" directory then also replace # character with other or remove # character.

Happy Reading........